Since the many changes in server population Direns Hold has had new to game players.This forum is for guilds recruiting or if you are looking to join a guild.Please post your level requirements and a guild link if available if you are a guild.Guildless please post your toon levels and ways to be reached.
well most people knew me on DH, had many friends but stopped playing i left for about 12wks its going on, lol but im looking to join a guild, now i wont be back until like a month, but i just wanna know if any guilds are looking for any of my toons within a month or two..
Fistandanti/wizard/sage/50/lion/clash/ bad ass dueler high dmg/high hp, not much on the power side
Halashero/warrior/hero/33/wolf/bellow/ going hero but with a MT build
Grumpybear/shaman/elder/31/pet/ i need to redo him but he is gonna genraly be a high healing ,high hp no dmg dealing sha.
but if anyone wants to contact me, my email address is
im a active player once i get back, but if noone recruites me im just going back to KotBR, before i left i was i that guild. id love to get some invites
you could always join my guild =) It would be like Xak Tsaroth again. I have been looking for Kelinar and Agummenemon but no Luck. My guild is always open for fun people and ill put in a good word for you.
dude i think kel and agum quite nut i dont know, have anyone seen a rge named losseen or a tank named azhia? there just some friends of mine ahh lol xak again lmao those where fun times, just hopefully its not as dead as xak became, man i miss that guild. they ever find out what happened to lie? lol he just dissapeared. so whats your guilds name? or you still in WAR? or where you ever in WAR? lol i have no clue i been gone way to long, :sad: but yeah man ill be back in like a month or two, ill hit you up on that invite bro thanks, it'll be nice getting back with friends. i just cant wait to try my wizzy out lol CB made wizzys uber and i was a uber dueler before so... lol
and WTH, is up with this web site? all servers get one or just the BEST DAMN SERVER there is lol.
i quit War cause it died (i gess i killed it too lol jk) then the old War members joined Masters of the Fallen where i keep my alts as an Elder. I am currently in Knights of Redemption with Shad. It has lots of helpful people always on and willing to help on a quest. Both of these guilds are building their ranks up and are doing quite well.
yea the original masters of WAR got stuck in hurricane Katrina and havent been on since. The masters that took over for them sucked and me and a couple others left to from a new guild. We took all the active members lol cause WAR had become just an alt guild for Elite Mercenaries. Now even EM has few people on.
yea me and another master took all the good toons with us to form Masters of the Fallen, but that got kinda slow due to Hagley. Now it is bac up and running. Just recruitin for it now
yea now basically my guild KoR just needs soem bad ass DDs. we have plenty of healers, 1 bad ass MT, and a couple good tanks. Our DDs are lacking with only a couple 60 wizzy, encs, and mages.
iv noticed that smaller guilds can be better for the individual, but sometimes they fall apart due to low loggins and populations. I have been in like 3 small guilds that i loved and made really good friends in. Now KoR is awsome cause we arent that small (growing fast tho) and we arent that big so we are all really close.
Im pretty content with the size of ours.We know each other more then in game and actually talk to each other lol as far as more people of course what guild doesn't want new faces.I love to meet new people