Your in KoR, i was in this guild a month or so before i left, do you know a toon named azhia in there? she should be low mid 40 by now if she was still playing lol was 27 when i left.
tell her halas says hi, and sorry. lol
but if your invite still stands ill join up with you or any guild kel is in, sorry bro but me and kel been bro's for a long time, but kel will probaly just probaly come with me so youll get a badass tank and wizzy, and if agum starts playing again you might have another bad ass wizzy.....but idk, i wanna come back now lol, im home just no money for a month or two so ill be typing non stop on here lmao
i just hope to see kel and Ag again. Ill check guild for ahzia. yea you can join up with us and bring any of your friends itll be so cool. Even though i was only in Xak with you guys for a month before it died away lol. Whatever happened to it idk?
yeah even tho you where only in for a month or so all the toons that where in xak where friends, every one generally knew each other lol.....because there where only 6 active lmao. but i have no clue once lierexious stopped coming around i left and created knights of solamonia, i dont know if you where in that where you? but basicly agum,kel uheal, and some others came with me and after that just kel me and uheal really kept talking, agum just stopped, and i talked to you once in a while and when i was on uheals nec i seen you a couple times. then i went to BotB than left that lol and stayed in KotBR until a month or so before i left then guild jumped
we had to start our guild website over on different software to make it better i guess so all of our old posts are gone for past year lol =( well here is the new and improved KoR site:
Heh, im still only gettin masters and elders in the guild when i click on members, and mersaydees is i nthat guild wow, lol we where in KoTBR together than he left to some other guilds
idk wuts wrong because i can see evry1 even when im not signed in. Yea i think Mers is a girl (Mersaydees and her husband dual box a shaman and paladin).
ahh i must of played with her husband then, lol, when he played her toon, but idk whats wrong i go in click members and it only shows me masters and elders, ill try again later on
welcome, i think maybe something wrong with ur computr idk because i can see the list. The list isnt in the area where the forums are either. Its on the title page