w up all lol thinking on makeing a sk tag will be death kight need 2 no were 2 put tp at an wut bases work dmg pow i no sta ups your hp just not sher wut rest of the bases do lol if sum 1 can pass on info so i no were 2 start at wut i need 2 do 2 make it kik azz lol plz giv nobl your input k ty
I have all the info you will need to start a very good sk, either pure dmg intended or a tank, just look in the "Class" section on this and you should see it, if you can't find it I will search for it for you.
But the info is good, I myself played a 60sk.loved it, now im playing a 56-57 sk...been awhile, he is going Savage, but till then he is a DK. if you have further questions id love to hear them and try to answer them.
Or Tarr can help you out, he is the one that helped me on some stuff.