Rat is a pain to get faction usually ive gotten infected before i ever had faction doing rat i have rat wiz and mag.
Gator i think depends on level. at 60 its near impossible.basically the hunt is your best option for infection and mobs are scarse. trying to spawn them is dangerous at best.47 to 50 its relatively easy to get infected in sbc atleast in my expierience.thats true of every were that spawns there.I've got both lion and gator inside of 10 kills in sbc in that level range.
wolf ive only done at 60 and was infected in my first trip to stoneburnt
luck never hurts.idk I have three lions.my cl took about 3 nights of killing in fw to get infected.my sk i solo'd lions in fw at 34 for about 3 or 4 days.my bard i took to sbc at 48 and got infected inside of 20 tails.
A good time to hunt is right after a sever or zone crash.for some reason "infector mobs" seem to spawn after resets.
I heard as well that 30-38ish is the best to get infected as well, but id say try for a week or so to get infect, then if that doesnt work for you, you can LvL to the LvLs T suggested, and see if that works for you.
it never hurts to keep trying.sticking to it is how you'll get it eventually.I would prolly do both work on leveling and hunt gators in my spare time.If i didnt get infected by 47 id start going to sbc
Just a few notes on rge berserker, since I've been one for a couple years now after being an assassin back in the day. They completely revamped the mc and mcas for it, and they lost their 5k heal. However, the berserk abil now gives +8 off mods, -3 def mods, insta cast abil, 2 min duration, 2 min recast, so with no off mods bought other than the mc and mcas they start out with 23 off, -5 def mods as long as they keep berserk up. Add to that the one you get from roof runner line, you're at 13 for minimal cost, plus you still have lycan and archetype off mods if you can get the cms for them. With under 1100 cms (I sold about 80 back late one night rehabbing being half asleep and trying to adjust to the change) they can also max out at 625 str, 525 sta, 545 dex and 545 agi unbuffed with good gear without godborn (they removed all of the dex from mc and mcas and added str max to the tag). At tfgs I can quad for about 4400+, and even on reds for the 1st part of epics I was landing about 1k a hit... pulled aggro off a wizzie's nuke with just a quad, lol. The negative side, they lose a lot of defense still, though the ac reduction for reckless vigor was reduced. One other nice thing is they kept the +10 HP mod for reckless vigor, so when you turn a mob you still have the extra 600 hit points to suck up some of the damage.
'Ware fool, that you put too much stock in the power of the spoken word, ledt the unspoken one trample you from behind!