lol ahh my lil bro is only 7 so hes not into this game atm, but ima hate it when he is lol, like my cousin, he plays a 47wiz now lol, everytime im on he sent me a PM, asking what im doing lmao, i tell him walk him fast ass down the street and ask me lol. but he always trys to beat me in duels, hes a straight power/grp wizzy, i blast him once and kill him, he has like 1k hp with 7-8k power lol
lol omg i know how that is, tho it has only happened once to me lol, i brung my Ps2 to a B-day and played there at my cousins, he set up a small tv on the floor right by the couche and i play on that while hes no more than 5-6 feet away sitting on a chair playing on the big tv, i get this PM, saying you see that tankk(i was doing add on dmg with uheals nec lol) well this tank was pulling like 4named hexes and lived with only like two bars left, lol after he sent it to me he looks at me smiling, i go WTF, lol just say it to me lol, theres no need to PM...(but i sent that in a PM lmao, ahh im so dumb lol) but i threw the pillow at him lol.
my brother pisses me off when he asks me to make him rmor or help him on a quest and he is sitting in the chair next to me. i want to smack the f**k out of him. Or he'll say he has to go to the bathroom in guild chat and im like who the hell cares?
14mill DAMN lol ive never had that much max ive had at one given time is 4mill and that lasts only so long but grumpy had 6mill jsut from him alone but i gave that away...(other toons and buying stuuf that i shouldnt have LMAO