this one is my favorite for my dwf pally. Yea %4 my d*ck is the size of a tic-tac, so freshen your breath. I love using that one and hearing all the replies lol
thanks AZ lol and woot you finally made it lol .......i have been extremely busy here lol...summer much roofing going on lol still on the same one we just framed it today well talk to you later
yea i know what you mean Fist. i have been working bad hours at the pool and its killing me. Trying to get money for all the bad ass games coming out. IDK if i shud save for a PS3 cause im still HATING the price
lol thats nothing man lol when i was a mechanic i made a steady 700 a week....this has to last me a month or even three at times....because we can do a house in a week or we can do it in 4-7months LMAO
yea i know what you mean. I used to haul lumber and was relying on that most times for cash. We'd wordk steady for a week then wouldnt work again for a month or two =(
lol ahh but i hate steady jobs...when i was doing cars it was cool but very boring...getting up every morning at the same time day in and day out....but with this its all ****ed up lol.....geesh im a lazy bastard lol