toruk? is that a dinosaur game or a game with the little tarzan kid with the boomerang?
and you know a awesome game is......Dothack.....
.hack ive played till the third one then the memory card i was using (the ****ty black one with 36kb on it) BROKE lol i was sooo pissed lol my EQoA is saved on one of those yellow ones with th 8 and its the only game saved on there lol
hey mine is saved on the yellow one too lol. Turok is the game for the 64 where you kill dinosaurs and other things with like guns arrows and all kinds of goodies. Ummm you have to have played it to know what it is.
you prolly still have old jacks, a pogo stick, and a paddle ball you play with still lol jk. Yea i hardly ever part with my systems except when i traded in my 64 and its games for a PS and a bunch of games lol. I miss super smash bros and Goldeneye
Shadamehr wrote: you prolly still have old jacks, a pogo stick, and a paddle ball you play with still lol jk. Yea i hardly ever part with my systems except when i traded in my 64 and its games for a PS and a bunch of games lol. I miss super smash bros and Goldeneye
whoa shad we all know how you like to talk about your goldeneye...but this is a family jk