the calendar on this site, it only list when people join, now thats cool and everything but, lol wouldnt it be better is people of DH can exactly write on there? like list when raids are going
soso(guild) are raiding soso(mob/zone) at soso(time) on this day. then list whoever wrote that on the bottom.
i just think thatll be cool, and people can list stuff happening in DH, whatever it may be, and yeah some will abuse it but thats no problem, alot of people will probaly list there B-day, who the **** cares lol you know.
but whoever is incharge and can exactually do this that would be awesome, and i highly doubt anyone would say this is a bad idea
hey list dentist appointment...because i wont remember lol....jk
how about list in two months that FISTANDANTI will be returning to EQoA to once again fall asleep in your groups lol...or sooner lol(just bought that internet adaptor today lol