lmao...now i dont know what to talk about lmao...to much pressure lol umm whats the last book you read? me it was test of the twins uber book, raist takes the test lol.
give me a little while ill be back in here typing a **** more
im on the second series or something called Dragons of the Fallen Sun. i finished it and im looking for the next one. my library has no DL (fukin crazy) and i have to buy the books myself. test of the twins was really good btw
yeah my libray is the same way, i mean they have three books only, "Kendermore" "Time of the twins" "and some book with a dragon on it, by margret weis tracy hickman, i tried to read that very boring, didnt even memtion the old companions, lol
test of the twins/war of the twins/time of the twins,these books are cool, mostly all about raistlin/fistandantilus
i never read war of the twins tho but i skimmed thru it while i was at my friends, he has like every book i swear lol, i should borrow it off him but most of his books are signed, and i doint want to **** up his stuff you know, ill probaly just order it off the internet for the whole 1$ lmao
lol yaeh i only own the first 4 book series, the Raistlin series (the one with Caramon and Raistlin - Test of twins and such), Kaz the Minotaur, Minotaur Wars, and the Dragons of Fallen Sun. i need more cash lol. I been looking in thrift stores and garage sells fo DL books.
lol yeah the only book i read about kaz in is with magius, huma, i think the book is called "the legend of huma" but thats a really good book to(i should stop saying that and just say there all really good lmao).
but i own about six books ill hae to gt them outand list them here, but the big book i have is the first books they started with the DL chronicles, "Dragons of autumn and so on, three books in one gott it for 35$ at a book store about 6years ago and had itever since lol read it atleast 5times lol
alright here are my books.....(drum roll please...)..lol
"Brothers Majere"...not the best book, the guy who wrote it didnt capture raistlins personality...he made him more 'caring' lol
"Test or the twins/Time of the twins"....i love these books just because there all about raistlin/fistandantilus, and caramon...i still need to read the second one to these "War of the twins"
"Kendermore" ...prety good, mostly about tasslehoff and his uncle trapspringer.
"The second generation"...this book is awesome, i love it lol.
"The oath and the measure"....now sturm is great but this book is so long lol, its really boring but i finished it and i have to say its not bad.
"Darkness and light"......about kit and sturm going to the moon! lol awesome book
"The Chronicles"(the big book lol).......basicly its the main story, lol the war of the lance, it starts off when there all meeting in solace when the five years are up, all other books are wither before this book or after(story wise)..this is the best book ever!
now my other books lol, there not DL but just as good.
"Where the red fern grows"...lmao i love this book, i had it since i was little... makes me cry
"Shadow Dale/Tantras/Waterdeep" Forgotten realms......these books are okay, there no DL but i liked em. book 1-3...thers many others but these are the only ones i read so far.
"Excalibur"....king arthur...nuff said lol
"The white harp"...never read this book, it fell in some liquid and only half the pages are visible now....but its got a huge dragon on the cover and a women holding a sword.
"The hobbit".....lol who doesnt own this book lol.
"The silmarillion"...i have no clue i got to the first chapter and nearly threw it in the damn fire place, it makes no sense lol.
"The two towers/fellowship/return of the ring"...yeah i own em all lol.
"A dragons Ascension"....great book, ED GREENWOOD is a god at writing lol.
"My enemy the queen"...eh, its not fantasy jsut about the queen of england lol
"A cat of silvery hue"...i got these books at a garage sale, really skinny books 10cents a peice so i bought them because there was a guy one it holding a sword.....they are not that bad, its like the future after the war.
"Sword of the horseclan"...lol not what you think...jk lol..its another book like "A cat of sivery hue"
" I cladius"....about a guy in ancient rome...emperor..he goes crazy!!!
"The theives gamble"....this is a really good book, mostly about wizards and forbidden/ancent magic....the main char is a theif lol.
well these are my books, (not the ones i seen somewhere i own these lol) i love reading lol
he was the funny, yet strong hero that united the Dominion Lords (kinda like Paladins that are way better). Shadamehr was thier leader and his healing powers were the best but also best fighter so of course i wanted him lol.
lol a healing fighter, not bad. id hate to fight that guy lol.....but....you know you couldnt beat Fistandantilus...O.o..id own you. lol
but while im thinking about who would win im gonna have some fun with the heroes, lol and since you and me are the only ones talking in here ill ask you one then you ask me.... so our post count hits really high lol..jk
who would win in a fight against Caramon Vs Sturm?
lol dumbass mistake never, Caramon will never mess up in a fight(this is the only thing hes good at....oh and doing it with the bar wenches lmao) but sturm will lose because he fights clean, caramon fights dirty, like a real fighter.
flint is a way better fighter, but Tass is quick and smart. Id say Tass would end up getting distracted by a butterfly pooping and flint would finally get his wish and kill him lol
I think Tanis might win, but in the books they kinda make him seem like a weeny fighter when he fights that dead knight and dies later. in the first books he sounded like a quick and cool fighter. Id say if Tanis decided to kill he would win but his heart might get in the way and Riverwynd would kill him for looking at Goldmoon lol.