the last movie i seen in theaters was ice age was funny took my neice with me....because a full grown man going to a movie like that by himself is little weird lol. but before that i seen lord of the rings return of the king............but now i wanna see THE OMEN.... i might be going today lol.
but last movie i seen on TV was American History X...i love this movie......but i love anything Edward Norton is in ive seen almost all his movies. i own alot of his movies as well lol.
i really didnt like any of the saws,(1-2) but i do like gory movies like that tho lol, it just didnt have a good story line.....I.E. Hostel lol this movie is sooooo stupid but its gory.
i think when dude threw chick into the pit of needles I was like in Saw 2 was gross lol.I watched one recently on cable called Dead End.It was pretty interesting.If you have ever seen Soul survivor its kinda the same story line.Im a horror fanatic lol
i liked Saw 1 and 2 becasue you never knew what would happen next. But i knew the bad guy wus the dead one on the floor in Saw1 the whole time becasue they never showed/told his story.
I thought it was screwed up the girl from the first one was in on it in Saw 2.Im like omg he threw you in bloody needles and your breathing this Shit in too lol
Im weird I guess I was like omg is that real blood in the needles.I was thinking AIDS,diseases and shes climbing in it and doing it for the bad guy lol
As far as breathing whatever he was pumping into the building I dont know.He was dieing from cancer and shes breathing this Shit in Im like well she will have lung cancer in Saw3 or something.
I think one of the Shittiest deaths in the movies was dude having a candle or whatever and being covered in what was it gasoline or something and this candle was his only light to figure out the riddle to live.Im like thats wrong lol