What would you like to see in game.In theory if they could change,add anything mobs,gear,toons whatever.I think being able to ride animals like on the PC version would be cool.A bigger dam guild charter or a memo board even, something.New graphics for the 60 epics wouldv'e been nice.The ability to make your gear whatever color youd like.Expanding the world period, more zones,more mobs,etc.Higher level caps,more cm choices
everything you just said lol. and a wider selection for faces and stuff, like id love it if i can make fist have pure white hair and a old face instead of a damn cut up face with a eye patch lol.
fist has pure black hair and a baby face.....it doesnt suit him lol.....hes a old wizard with a thirst for power.
and more selections when it comes to bowing waving pointing, i know this is just stupid small stuff but id like it if it happens you know?
and that sound so Fucking cool riding animals lol. there should be a store(or cm) where races/classes can buy /purchase a certain pet, like for a wizard instead of a damn bird i would love to have a small fluffy bunny......thats turns into a fucious killing machine now i know some classes can do quest but thats onli last a cpl times, i want something i can either buy or purchase and have a endless supply of.
Yeah Id love to be able to make my toon look whatever Id like more lol Id bring Cel hoo hoos down a bit where she could see her feet and maybe get rid of the whole constipated exspression lol
Does cel have ankles or knees? because fist doesnt and niether did halashero........that always scared me lol. i have blocks for feet LMAO.
Ooooh and i just thought of something, i have no clue if they do this but itll be cool, like during the winter, or hell all time(times will varie) that itll snow. i think they make it snow in a zone right? but im talking about in the citys(fp qey ect)
what you dont like the consipated warrior look? lol........it makes you look like your thinking.....and thats not allowed amoung us tanks........
Lmao.We do look in thought don't we lol I dont know cel looks like she is wondering why her boobs are bigger then her head and why she has such manly arms lol I know they are barbs but dam.Speaking from a female point of view barb wars can never look like females which I guess is kinda the point but like barb shamans can.Cels drawers are always up the crack of her ass and looks butch lol
I think snow would be cool though.I thought if they would take the time to do it having some kinda of quest actually in town would be neat.Meaning like a mob raids fp for instance,kills every dam thing even the coachman and people literally have to group together and kill them for the town to reset.Give them mad xp for it or something.It would get crappy cause fp is a starting town though but it would be cool to see.One of the neatest quest I have did strangely was my level 10 delf enc quest.I had to actually talk to trolls they met me near a mob and I contracted them to kill the mob.It sounds simple but was cool lol
lol but comon you know it ogre woman are the hottest in the game...one sec...sorry had to throw up lol.....sorry im to sick to continue writing about ogre women...
they shud make ogre monks like one of my guildies dreamed about lol. a big fat ogre punching and kicking would make me piss my pants lol. Also i want to see the whole xp system changed and made easier. Xp and cmin should not be so boring or take so long. We put in so much in EQ and dont get enough back.
south park ewwww. i used to wathc but now it is too childish. Yea lets laugh at child molestation and a fat black guy falling off a cliff......... not funny at all. Family Guy is much better.