Shadamehr wrote: post a list of the 40 were spells plz lol im too lazy to lokk for em
i looked all over for these shad, i cannot find them lol, im gonna send a mail to singforu later on to see if he knows.
Edit: alright shad i found them.
----this is for WW--
Growl of Battle War Pal Sk Str/Sta group buff, scales with lvl. At lvl 60 is 67.
Rage of Drinal Ran Brd Rge self-buff. 125 Str/125 Sta, -30 Wis/Int at lvl 60. 185 power cost, stacks with forms. The Str/Sta can also be motified with higher Wis/Int.
Howl of Terror Wiz Nec Enc Mag Alc Similar to a Nec pact spell. Raise the groups power at the expense of your own. Costs 240 pow with a 60 sec recast. Sacrifices about 220 mana to give the group about 240 mana.
Howl of Doom Cl Sha Drd A group life-tap. At level 40 does 166 dmg and drains 83 Hp.
---This is for LW--
Lion's Nobility Cl Sha Drd 115 cha self-buff at 60
Accelerated Folliage Nec Mage Wis Enc Alc Aoe root
Growl of Battle War Sk Pal 67 Str/Sta Grp buff at lvl 60
Agility of Kehrahn Rge Ran Brd 80 Agi & SoW at lvl 50
---This is for GW--
Growl of Battle War Sk Pal 67 Str/Sta grp buff at lvl 60
Reptillian Frenzy Rge Mnk Ran Brd 120 Sta/Agi self-buff
Reptilian Gaze Cl Sha Drd 107 cha self-buff at level 60
Swamp Vines Nec Mage Wis Enc Alc Aoe root
---This is for BW---
Cave Bear Strength Rge Brd Ran Mnk 98 Str buff which stacks with the first bear form and shaman buffs.
Growl of Battle War Sk Pal 67 Str/Sta grp buff.
Bear Nobility Cl Drd 122 cha self-buff
Gentle Aura sha CHA for 87 self-buff (at elvel 47)
Summon Blessed Fish Mage Nec Wiz Enc Alc Summon a level 33 PoT/HoT drink item.
--This is for RW--
Distracting Squecks Rge Brd Ran Ac debuff. Ranges from 200-300
Swarm Mentality Wis Enc Nec Mage Alc 400ish group max-power buff
Defence of the swarm War Sk Pal 67 str/342 Ac group buff at level 60
Cunning Subterfuge Cl Sha Drd 90 cha self-buff at level 59
Mastercraft gems, combined with metals/materials dropped by common mobs can be combined to create class specific armor, for instance, platinum ore chunks and a dark magneium alloy combined with the right mold creates lvl 60 sk soulripper gear. Platinum ore and bronze alloy creates soldier's gear for pallies, etc. There's gear for each class at 30, 40, 50 and 60, and they all go into the tailoring or armorcrafting tradeskills.
'Ware fool, that you put too much stock in the power of the spoken word, ledt the unspoken one trample you from behind!